
Hrd-boiled egg recept

Hrd-boiled egg recepty, které budete milovat. Vyberte si ze stovek receptů na Hrd-boiled egg, které se vám budou snadno a rychle vařit. Připravte si ingredience a můžete se pustit do vaření Hrd-boiled egg. Užijte si objevování nových porkrmů a jídel z nejlepších Hrd-boiled egg receptů z čech i ze světa. Dobrou chuť!

Egg salad with homemade mayonnaise recept

To that add hard-boiled eggs, diced also. Salt and pepper. Mix together, add yoghurt and a bit of sour cream. Stir together. To make homemade mayo put in a blender rest of sour cream, cooked and peeled potato, mustard, onion and salt. When blended stir into prepared mixture. Thus place to the fridge

Podobné recepty jako Egg salad with homemade mayonnaise

Beans on cream with a dill and egg recept

Serve with cooked potatoes and hard-boiled egg. Ingredience. 2 bags beans 1 piece onion 1 pot cream 12% to the taste ground sugar vinegar dill 1 - 2 spoons butter salt as needed smooth flour; Komentáře k receptu Beans on cream with a dill and egg.

Podobné recepty jako Beans on cream with a dill and egg

Chilled pasta salad recept

1 hrd-boiled egg salt 1 teaspoon curry spice; Komentáře k receptu Chilled pasta salad. Recepty na jídlo, které jsou podobné receptu na Chilled pasta salad. Rozšířený seznam podobných receptů, jako je recept chilled pasta salad. Může být dobrou alternativou k tomuto receptu.

Podobné recepty jako Chilled pasta salad

Ham spread recept

Heat the butter, ham and hard-boiled eggs grate finely. Whip the butter until the foam developes. Then add the rest of ingredients, egg, ham, mustard and cream, salt and pepper. Stir it all well in a bowl. Place in a fridge to cool down. Spread over fresh bread.

Podobné recepty jako Ham spread

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Chicken meat spread recept

In a bowl we will put a cream cheese, minced roasted chicken meat, hard-boiled grated egg, butter, mustard and salt. Mix everything well together. Its up to your taste, how much of each ingredients you use. We serve the spread on fresh roll and garnish with cheese and veggies.

Podobné recepty jako Chicken meat spread

Sardines spread recept

Make hard-boiled eggs, peel then cut finely. Chop peeled onion finely also. Mix together sardines, processed cheese and melted butter in a bowl and whip them until smooth. Then mix everything together, add mustard and season it to your taste.

Podobné recepty jako Sardines spread

Couscous salad with tuna recept

First prepare the couscous and when cooked let cool. Dice cleaned veggies and cut grately peeled hard-boiled eggs. Mix couscous together with beans, cut veggies and eggs. Stir and then add mayo and tuna. Salt and pepper to tastste and then stir all well. Serve with fresh bread the best.

Podobné recepty jako Couscous salad with tuna

Chickpea salad with tuna recept

Cut hard-boiled eggs into pieces and add to chickpea together with warmed up tuna. Mix everything together lightly. At the end pour over with a dressing we made in between. Serve on the plates immediately.

Podobné recepty jako Chickpea salad with tuna

Christmas potato salad recept

Prepare hard-boiled eggs, peel and let cool. Clean all the veggies and let it cook in a water together with bay leaf, allspice, black pepper, vinegar, little bit of salt and sugar. When done, the veggies are soft, take them out and let cool.

Podobné recepty jako Christmas potato salad

Pasta salad with tuna recept

Meanwhile, cook eggs,hard-boiled. Pour out the juice from cans with tuna and mix together with cooked pasta. Cut in pieces pickles, cheese and bell peppers, mix together with pasta,mayo and sour cream. Drip in couple drops of lemon juice and finish to taste with chilli powder, salt and pepper.

Podobné recepty jako Pasta salad with tuna

Classic Spanish bird recept

Boil the eggs hard-boiled and cut into two quarters . Cucumbers cut into halves. Sausage peel and cut into quarters. Sliced meat rub mustard on each slice and lay bacon . We put a slice of egg , sausage and cucumber and roll it . Cutting thread well dragging around, that filling can´t get outside.

Podobné recepty jako Classic Spanish bird
